Who says that the relations between actor Shah Rukh Khan and former Indian cricket captain Sourav Ganguly have been strained after the IPL? This isn't so any more as both of them will soon be coming together on Dada's Zee Bangla TV show "Dadagiri". Sourav has already been hosting the quiz show for quite some time now, but the channel is keen on making it national by bringing in Shah Rukh Khan too. Yes, this will be their first public appearance together after the IPL 2009, when both developed cold relations . Since Sourav's show "Dadagiri" has already become very popular in Bengal in such a short time the producers want to make it national by making it in Hindi.
Zee Bangla TV is currently in negotiating with Shah Rukh Khan and Rani Mukerji to come on the opening episode when it goes national. Shah Rukh is very eager to come on the show as the relations with Sourav Ganguly are not only friendly but also rocking! Let's hope that the negotiations between the channel and the actor are successful so the national show could begin early next year.
Source: Smashits
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