Jan 5, 2010

Shah Rukh makes Barkha Dutt ‘lucky’!

/photo.cms?msid=5410055 Within two days of his joining Twitter, SRK has over 23,000 followers! Shah Rukh has taken the Twitter world by storm by his sheer presence. From his celeb friends, fans to journalists... all are vying for his attention and waiting with bated breath for his reply to them!

Shah Rukh who is currently getting a hang of the site has been inspiring his readers by sharing with them the ideals he follows and the mottos he believes in.

Known for his intelligence, SRK even gave tips on public speaking to all by saying, "My Name is Khan release coming up. Will have lots of public speaking. My first rule of public speaking...if you don't strike oil in 3 minutes...stop boring!"

The actor even listed down nine important expressions of acting by saying, "The nine expressions ...love, laughter, fury, compassion, disgust, horror, wonder, heroic, tranquillity. He will now elaborate on all nine expressions using his quick wit.

SRK who didn't reply to anyone since two days however chose renowned journalist Barkha Dutt as the recipient of his first reply on Twitter. When people asked Barkha if she felt special, she wrote, "Actually I do! I have always had great affection & respect for SRK. Find him bright as a button and deep in his intelligence."

The actor has even spoken about his snoring problem on the site!

SRK fans we are sure are finally getting to meet the real SRK and it goes without saying that they are loving it!

Source: movies.indiatimes


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