Nov 22, 2010

Shah Rukh Khan's OK! as India's sexiest dad

Well, SRK says ok to OK! On being voted as India's Sexiest Dad, who are we to argue. If we had our way, then, we would have only elevated it a step further and would have 'crowned' SRK as World's Sexiest Dad.

First things first, all the pictures in this mag are nothing short of a sheer visual treat! In this issue of OK magazine, SRK goes onto confess, "I would love to have more children." Talking about children, SRK with paternal pride says "My son has learnt how to edit and my daughter loves to act, so I try to make films all the time." And when asked as to who's a stricter parent between him and Gauri, he says "Gauri is. I think I am strict too, but Gauri thinks that I am very lenient."

Shahrukh Khan



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