
Feb 17, 2011

Fan spends $3,300 to meet Shah Rukh Khan

Fan spends $3,300 to meet Shah
Rukh Khan
Malacca (Malaysia) |Thursday, 2011
3:05:06 PM IST
Mehjabeen Erum Alim, of
Bangladesh, kept a patient vigil and
spent a whopping 10,000 ringgit
(about $3,300) over two days to
meet Bollywood star Shah Rukh
Khan along with some other fans in
She did realise her dream -- but the
actor only smiled, gave autographs,
posed for photographs and left,
blowing flying kisses. Mehjabeen
was told that he does not speak
before shooting to stay within the
character he is playing.
Khan, who is on a month's schedule
to shoot a sequel to his earlier
blockbuster "Don", saw the news of
Mehjabeen spending big money on
her vigil in The Star.
"Fortunately, he spotted us just as
he was about to get into the car
and agreed to sign autographs,"
Mehjabeen said, adding that she
managed to draw his attention to
the story in the daily about her
wish to meet him. Khan
autographed the news article for
"It is an indescribable feeling and I
am so happy to have finally met
him. I feel like I am in dreamland,"
Mehjabeen said after meeting Khan
Wednesday at a resort in Ayer
Keroh town.
Khan met her and seven other fans
at the resort just as he was about
to enter his car to go to the film
location for his latest movie "Don
Mehjabeen, 27, is happy, but not
satisfied. She said she would still
love to meet him again just to hear
his voice.
"It was just a fleeting moment and
he didn't say a word but merely
nodded and gestured to us as he
rarely speaks before filming so as
not to come out of the character he
is playing," Mehjabeen, pursuing
her masters in business
administration in Kuala Lumpur,
Besides taking home memories of
the meeting with Khan, she said
she was glad to have made new
friends who shared a similar
passion for the Bollywood
Immensely popular in Malaysia,
Khan was conferred the title of
Datuk, akin to knighthood, by the
Sultan of Malacca in 2009.
--Indo-Asian News Service

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