Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan is back to Mumbai after a horrible experience at the US airport. Speaking to the reporters after landing, he said that his tour was not fruitful and he had to face much hassle at the airport. He claimed that he was detained and questioned for two long hours. He said that he was angry and felt humiliated. During interrogation, he felt like never coming to the country again but he has so many fan following in the US that he can't annoy them.
Shahrukh Khan also said that he was harassed at the Newark Airport due to his title Khan. On the other hand, Samajwadi party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav opines that Shahrukh Khan had made the statement of not willingly to come back to the US as a publicity stunt because he wants to promote his new film 'My Name Is Khan'. But Shahrukh denied all the wrong rumors about his detention.
Source: Bollywood Mantra
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