Shah Rukh Khan’s superhero costume in ‘Ra 1’ is worth Rs 1 crore. Silvery blue in color, the special suit is made of latex and was created specially for the actor in Los Angeles.
However, getting into his hi-fi costume is not a kid’s play for the actor as getting into this thick rubber tight fitting is such a tedious job that it takes nearly 40 minutes.
On top of this, the rubber suit sticks to his body and that makes the heat of Mumbai even more unbearable for the actor.
Also, since getting in and out of the suit is such a tedious job, the actor restricts his trip to the restroom only once during the shooting shift.
Given that the shift usually extends to 10-12 hours everyday, one has to admit it is quite painful. Well, the actor surely believes in the saying that ‘only pains lead to gains’.
"Shah Rukh Khan"
- Making movies is like having an affair: SRK - News & Interviews - Bollywood - Entertainment - The Times of India (view on Google Sidewiki)
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