He has played many roles on the big screen, but today Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan donned the quizmaster's hat, grilled management students and advised them to consider failure as being crucial to teach pragmatic lessons in life.
"Success imparts no wisdom, failure teaches you everything.
Failure is very important. Fear of failure will make you pragmatic. It will make you logical in your thinking", he told a young audience at a quiz show here this evening.
Failure takes any form and it is the experience of failure that takes one's life forward, he added.
"Don't' worry, get things wrong and learn from it", he said at the quiz show where participants were questioned on varying subjects ranging from brands, marketing concepts to management principles.
"Failure would always make you want to work hard", he said.
Source: http://www.ptinews.com/news/507926_Failure-teaches-you-everything--Shahrukh-Khan
"Success imparts no wisdom, failure teaches you everything.
Failure is very important. Fear of failure will make you pragmatic. It will make you logical in your thinking", he told a young audience at a quiz show here this evening.
Failure takes any form and it is the experience of failure that takes one's life forward, he added.
"Don't' worry, get things wrong and learn from it", he said at the quiz show where participants were questioned on varying subjects ranging from brands, marketing concepts to management principles.
"Failure would always make you want to work hard", he said.
Source: http://www.ptinews.com/news/507926_Failure-teaches-you-everything--Shahrukh-Khan
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