Karan Johar held a special screening of his much-touted film starring Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol which releases this week. Shah Rukh Khan made it to the screening surrounded by four vans of security personnel which made his car somewhat unapproachable. Gauri Khan came with friends while Sussanne Roshan also made an entry. Kareena came casually dressed with Saif and brought along designer Shabina Khan for company. Preity Zinta appeared with her nude make-up look. Raveena Tandon was with husband Anil Thadani, while Farhan Akhtar and sister Zoya were together. Sonam Kapoor made an entry as did Mehr Jessia, Arjun Rampal and Dino Morea. Riteish Deshmukh, Sajid Khan and writer Mushtaq Sheikh were a gang of three, while Kajal Anand and Rahul Khanna travelled together in a Rolls Royce! Once the screening was done everyone headed for Mannat, Shahrukh's home in Bandra for some after-partying, for which Hrithik Roshan also joined up.
Source: http://www.dnaindia.com/entertainment/slideshow_screen-test_1344648
Source: http://www.dnaindia.com/entertainment/slideshow_screen-test_1344648
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