A day after Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi pulled off a successful visit to Mumbai despite attempts by the Shiv Sena to disrupt it, the saffron party indicated that the odds against its parochial campaign to claim Mumbai for Maharashtrians were huge and sarcastically announced that it would not waste its time trying to obstruct the release of Shah Rukh Khan's film My Name is Khan or oppose Pakistani and Australian cricketers playing in Maharashtra.
"For who are we doing these things? For what?" the party asked in an editorial in its mouthpiece Saamna, adding that these sentiments were not provoked by disappointment but a feeling of helplessness over not being able to rekindle the minds of Congressmen. "So we want to take a decision. Let Congresswallahs rule us... Let Pakistani cricketers come and play anywhere in this country, let Australians continue with their attacks on Indians, let Pakistan continue with terror attacks like 26/11," the editorial said.
Source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/Sena-on-backfoot--says-won-t-stop-My-Name-is-Khan/576580
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