Shah Rukh Khan and Karun Chandhok recently celebrated watchmaker Tag Heuer's 150th anniversary in Gurgaon. SRK and the F1 racer kicked off the Tesla World Tour: The Odyssey Of Pioneers – a traveling roadshow that exhibits TAG Heuer's finest timepieces in 15 cities .
For the purpose, TAG and electric carmaker Tesla Motors have collaborated to launch the TAG Heuer Tesla Roadster, a one-of-a kind car, which will go on the 15-city world tour, spanning Basel, Monaco, Milan, Budapest, Warsaw, Moscow, New Delhi, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, London and Paris. TAG also organised an exhibition of its 16 historical timepieces and three watches for the future – the TAG Heuer Pendulum Concept, Monaco V4 and Carrera Calibre 1887 Chronograph, on the occasion.
Karun and SRK gave the Roadster a try when they got behind the wheel and drove it on to the stage. The evening also saw the premiere of the TAG Heuer Grand Carrera Pendulum, a 2010 concept watch, which is the first to have movement without a hairspring. It was unveiled by Shah Rukh Khan and Jean-Christophe Babin, President & CEO, TAG Heuer. "I have had a deep relationship of mutual admiration with TAG Heuer for the 7th year running now. It's exciting to welcome the TAG Heuer-Tesla Roadster into India," said SRK. Karun added, "While I've been working closely with TAG Heuer for a long time now, being signed on as an official brand ambassador on its 150th anniversary makes this even more special for me. As a Formula One Racer, I am thrilled to drive the TAG Heuer Tesla Roadster."
For the purpose, TAG and electric carmaker Tesla Motors have collaborated to launch the TAG Heuer Tesla Roadster, a one-of-a kind car, which will go on the 15-city world tour, spanning Basel, Monaco, Milan, Budapest, Warsaw, Moscow, New Delhi, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, London and Paris. TAG also organised an exhibition of its 16 historical timepieces and three watches for the future – the TAG Heuer Pendulum Concept, Monaco V4 and Carrera Calibre 1887 Chronograph, on the occasion.
Karun and SRK gave the Roadster a try when they got behind the wheel and drove it on to the stage. The evening also saw the premiere of the TAG Heuer Grand Carrera Pendulum, a 2010 concept watch, which is the first to have movement without a hairspring. It was unveiled by Shah Rukh Khan and Jean-Christophe Babin, President & CEO, TAG Heuer. "I have had a deep relationship of mutual admiration with TAG Heuer for the 7th year running now. It's exciting to welcome the TAG Heuer-Tesla Roadster into India," said SRK. Karun added, "While I've been working closely with TAG Heuer for a long time now, being signed on as an official brand ambassador on its 150th anniversary makes this even more special for me. As a Formula One Racer, I am thrilled to drive the TAG Heuer Tesla Roadster."
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