
Sep 25, 2010

Shahrukh Khan comes to Dhaka in December

Widely known as 'King Khan,' Bollywood superstar Shakrukh Khan will be in Bangladesh to perform at a show. Event management group Ontor Showbiz is

going to arrange the show, says a news release.

Shahrukh Khan is supposed to arrive in Dhaka on December 9. The show will be staged on December 10 and he will go back the following day, it said.

Ontor Showbiz is one of the major event management groups of the country and is credited with arranging shows featuring major international artistes like Adnan Sami, Shaan and the band Junoon.

The group also arranged a music festival, titled 'Bangla-e Gaibey Bishwa,' on the occasion of International Mother Language Day (February 21) this year in Dhaka. Over 150 singers from 20 countries, including USA and Canada performed at the event.

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