Ever since the success of Dabangg, director Abhinav Kashyap, brother of the controversial director Anurag Kashyap, is in high spirits. Rumours suggest that besides quoting a high price, the director is keen to pencil in Shah Rukh Khan for his next film."Abhinav feels that Shah Rukh is apt for one of his scripts and wants to rope in the actor for it. The director has his fingers crossed hoping Shah Rukh will agree," said our source.
Our source added, "Abhinav always wanted to carve a niche for himself. The success of Dabangg has done that for him. Till yesterday, everybody knew him as Anurag's brother. But today he is happy to be known through his work. He is in his talks with several prominent production houses and is waiting for things to fall in place." Will Shah Rukh agree? That remains to be seen.
Source: http://www.deccanchronicle.com/entertainment/abhinav-approach-shah-rukh-681
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