Yash Chopra will now have to wait till next year to make his directorial comeback. The film starring Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif was supposed to go on floors this November. However, thanks to SRK, all plans and schedules for the venture have been postponed. The project will now go on floors in March 2012.
Reportedly, Shah Rukh has decided to take a (rather well deserved, we believe) break with his family after the release of RA.One. "Shah Rukh is responsible for the film being pushed back. He will start shooting only in February next year or may be even March," said the source.
Explaining what transpired, our source revealed, "He told Yash Chopra that he first wants to get done with RA.One and Don 2, which are supposed to release in October and December respectively this year. After that, he wants to go on a one-month long holiday with his family."
While Chopra has not expressed any problem with the delay, the industry is abuzz with speculations about Katrina's reaction to this latest development. "Katrina has a busy schedule and so adjusting her dates for the same will be quite a challenge," added the source.
When contacted, the YRF spokesperson said, "We are starting with the schedule in January." Despite repeated attempts, SRK remained unavailable for comment.
Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/bollywood/news-interviews/Shah-Rukh-Khan-postpones-Yash-Chopras-film/articleshow/9704429.cms?prtpage=1
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