Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta displayed some friendly camaraderie at the Punjab Cricket Association's stadium in Mohali despite being owners of rival IPL teams. At the match held between SRK's Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) and Preity's Kings XI Punjab (KXIP) last night, Shah Rukh's team may have emerged victorious but that didn't stop him from bonding with good friend Preity post the match.
Once the match got over, SRK and Preity took a walk around the stadium and even exchanged their team jerseys. While SRK wore the red KXIP jersey, Preity put on the KKR jacket which SRK was wearing throughout the match. Needless to say the shutterbugs went crazy seeing the friendly banter between SRK and Preity.
Preity even thanked SRK for coming down to Mohali and tweeted, "@imsrk So nice 2 finally have u at our home game Shah. Was funny seeing people with Veer Vs Zaara posters. Haha ! Lots of love always :-)"
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