Farah Khan's Happy New Year was going to have a really Happy Diwali, as it was slated to be the solo release on Diwali this year. But it looks like the industry has some brave filmmakers who are ready to challenge Shah Rukh Khan in a festive season. After Randeep Hooda's Rang Rasiya touted to hit screens this Diwali, Rekha's Super Nani joins the party to become the third release during the festival of lights.
Super Nani starring Rekha and Sharman Joshi is slated to hit the big screen on October 24. The film's producer Ashok Thakeria said," Yes, we are planning to release our film on Diwali. It's a film of a family for every family. And Diwali is a festival when the entire family comes together to celebrate with pooja, food, crackers and movies. So what better time than Diwali! Super Nani is not just celebration of women power but that off the family too."
The film also marks the comeback of timeless beauty Rekha as she plays grandmother to Sharman Joshi. By clashing with SRK's Happy New Year, the makers of Super Nani have taken a bold move. We hope the move doesn't backfire and hurt the makers this Diwali.