Shahrukh Khan was snapped at the 21 Topon Ki Salaami launch. The political comedy drama is set to go on the floor in the mid-august and stars Anupam Kher in the main role. Anupam is playing the role of a BMC worker whose dying wish is to have a martyr's last honour. So his 2 sons set for a mission to fulfill their father's last wish. A political comedy, the movie is being produced by Nautanki Films Pvt. Ltd. (of television show, Madhubala fame), which marks the production house's foray into film-making. SRK also spoke about his relationship with his son. SRK said that he tries a lot to make his kids share things with him, but also said that after a certain age the gap builds which is difficult to fill. "I want a friendly relationship with my kids and try my best to share such a relation with them. I really inspired from Anupam Kher with whom I played as his son in DDLJ. I saw Anupam ji and the kind of friendly relationship he shares with his son and that inspires me." Shahrukh continued, "Whatever they do in their lives, when they come back they, I don't them to come with a fear on what my dad will say or ask me." Shahrukh on asked if he would like to give 21 topon ki salaami to real life stars sad, "There are many talented superstars in bollywood who deserve 21 Topon Ki Salaami like Irrfan Khan. We have grown up seeing many stars like Anupam Kher who should get 21 Topon Ki Salaami." On asked on why SRK doesn't opt for such roles played by Irrfan, the entertainer replied, "If I do such kind of movies then there will be monotony. We do our kind of movies and they do theirs. There is a variety of movies and if all do one type of genre then were will entertainment." The film has been written by Rahil Qazi, who was the screenplay writer of Do Dooni Chaar. 21 Topon Ki Salaami which is also called Ekkees Topon Ki Salaami is shot in Mumbai and Bhopal, the film will be helmed by Ravindra Gautam. Ekkees Topon Ki Salaami also features Divyendu Sharma (of Pyaar Ka Punchnama & Chashme Baddoor fame), Manu Rishi (Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!) Aditi sharma (Mausam & Ladies vs Ricky Bahl) and Rajesh Sharma (Special 26) & Neha Dhupia in a special cameo for their first film. The movie has been directed by Ravindra Gautam of Madhubala fame. SRK was last seen at the unveiling of Mad About Dance's app where he spoke about his upcoming movie, Happy New Year.
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