Mumbai: When Hollywood and Bollywood collide! According to a recent report in the Hindustan Times, megastar Shah Rukh Khan will be seen with 'The X Factor' judge Simon Cowell for a special event in Mumbai.
According to the report the event will be televised, and is also organised by the British television producer in collaboration with an event-management firm that is based in London.
A source close to the actor said, "It'll be a talent show, which will see people from across the world competing, Cowell has wanted to venture into the Indian entertainment market for a while."
The director of RFS Entertainment Ltd, the firm organising the event said, "Simon Sowell and Shah Rukh Khan will be teaming up for a live extravaganza. We are bringing these two global house names together."
We can wait to see what Simon and SRK have in store for us.
According to the report the event will be televised, and is also organised by the British television producer in collaboration with an event-management firm that is based in London.
A source close to the actor said, "It'll be a talent show, which will see people from across the world competing, Cowell has wanted to venture into the Indian entertainment market for a while."
The director of RFS Entertainment Ltd, the firm organising the event said, "Simon Sowell and Shah Rukh Khan will be teaming up for a live extravaganza. We are bringing these two global house names together."
We can wait to see what Simon and SRK have in store for us.
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