Producer-director Karan Johar says, "Normally, Shah Rukh doesn't wear accessories but since the watch and wedding ring is part of the narrative and his character in the film, he agreed to wear both. It's his own wedding ring that he's wearing for a certain period of time."
The watch, an extremely costly 1925 limited edition masterpiece, was apparently lent to Karan only after SRK made a special request for it. Khan concludes, "And I do wear accessories in films when designers tell me to -- but only if it's absolutely necessary. Otherwise, meri acting hi mera gehna hai... Ha! Ha!"
Why does Rizwan wear a watch?
The sequence, which explains why SRK'S character Rizwan wears an antique watch in MNIK, has unfortunately been edited out. Shah Rukh Khan says, "The watch is gifted to my character Rizwan Khan by his very old teacher who had got it from his father. Therefore it needed to be of 1920s at least. The watch brand I endorse had their old pieces from those years in their museum and kindly agreed to give it to us."
Why is SRK hysterical about his ring?
"It's one thing that is so sacred to him and kind of depicts his love, marriage and relationships." says Karan Johar, noting, "SRK is paranoid about the ring and gets hysterical if anything happens to it. Once we thought we'd lost it the studio was in chaos trying to find it."
Luckiest charm?
Stars normally wear accessories given to them by designers. About wearing the ring in the film, SRK says, "It's just a plain wedding band I wear in daily life. Shiraz (Khan's costume designer) and Karan wanted Rizwan's to be the same as mine so I wore my own." Says Karan, "The ring represents the luckiest part of Shahrukh's existence -- the time when Gauri came into his life and his life since that time. We wanted that luck to also rub off a bit on My Name Is Khan."
Stars normally wear accessories given to them by designers. About wearing the ring in the film, SRK says, "It's just a plain wedding band I wear in daily life. Shiraz (Khan's costume designer) and Karan wanted Rizwan's to be the same as mine so I wore my own." Says Karan, "The ring represents the luckiest part of Shahrukh's existence -- the time when Gauri came into his life and his life since that time. We wanted that luck to also rub off a bit on My Name Is Khan."
The watch, an extremely costly 1925 limited edition masterpiece, was apparently lent to Karan only after SRK made a special request for it. Khan concludes, "And I do wear accessories in films when designers tell me to -- but only if it's absolutely necessary. Otherwise, meri acting hi mera gehna hai... Ha! Ha!"
Why does Rizwan wear a watch?
The sequence, which explains why SRK'S character Rizwan wears an antique watch in MNIK, has unfortunately been edited out. Shah Rukh Khan says, "The watch is gifted to my character Rizwan Khan by his very old teacher who had got it from his father. Therefore it needed to be of 1920s at least. The watch brand I endorse had their old pieces from those years in their museum and kindly agreed to give it to us."
Why is SRK hysterical about his ring?
"It's one thing that is so sacred to him and kind of depicts his love, marriage and relationships." says Karan Johar, noting, "SRK is paranoid about the ring and gets hysterical if anything happens to it. Once we thought we'd lost it the studio was in chaos trying to find it."
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