International singer Jay Sean gave a fabulous after-dinner performance as Amitabh-Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Rani Mukerji and Preity Zinta clapped in appreciation at the sangeet of Siddharth and biz magnate, GVK Reddy's granddaughter, Mallika Reddy in Hyderabad on Friday night. More Bollywood actors trooped in as the wedding took place on Saturday night. This will be followed by exclusive reception party on June 13.
As reported in DNA, Hema Malini gave a Bharatnatyam performance a day earlier just before the sangeet. When most of the stars came out of the Shamshanabad airport smiling, there was a bit of a drama with Anoushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh as they tried to duck the shutterbucks. "They literally went into hiding at the airport and tried their best to duck the media by not coming out of the airport for a long time. They also tried to exit separately but in the end," the source.Source:
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