In December 2012, Aamir Khan accompanied his mother Zeenat Hussain on Hajj. In the course of a conversation with Shah Rukh Khan — who is very knowledgeable and passionate about Islam, in fact, when he speaks on the subject you can hang on to his every word — one casually asked him why he hadn't gone on the pilgrimage so far.
The Bollywood superstar explained that Hajj is definitely on his agenda, but he could not specify when he would travel to Mecca. "I would like to go there with my son Aryan and daughter Suhana," he said.
The Bollywood superstar explained that Hajj is definitely on his agenda, but he could not specify when he would travel to Mecca. "I would like to go there with my son Aryan and daughter Suhana," he said.
One knows that girls cannot go on Hajj unless they are accompanied by their father, brother, son or husband. In Suhana's case, SRK has decided to wait till his daughter is ready to accompany him.
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